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Business Continuity Audit

BCP Audit example

Contact us to arrange a business continuity plan audit


Our Business Continuity Plan Audit service focusses on providing provides two key assurances: is the business continuity plan compliant with accepted good practice and is it likely to be effective if invoked. To provide these assurances we organise the evaluation into three levels - each level providing an increased level of assurance that the organisations business continuity plan is fit for purpose and likely to meet the requirements of 3rd party reviews

  • Level 1. Review the content of the documented business continuity plan. This is the entry level and ensures that the plan, as documented, evidences sound process and comprehensive scope and that it is likely to comply with external compliance audits

  • Level 2: Assesses the processes and organisation established to support and maintain your business continuity plan  (often referred to as a “Business Continuity Management System” or “BCMS”). At this level we look to establish that the organisation has reached a level of maturity where there is a clear process in place for ensuring the ongoing relevance of the business continuity  plan and that it remains fit for purpose 

  • In Level 3  we confirm the likely performance of critical components of the business continity plan such as IT recovery capabilities , alternate workplace provision and the knowledge of people in terms of their roles and responsibilities. This is where we confirm that assertions made in business continuity documentation are translated into intrinsic capabilities to respond and recover.


Each of these audit activities can be performed as either a separate business continuity plan evaluation or as a complete project to fit with your timeframe and budget.

Contact us to arrange a business continuity plan audit

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